There are lots of projects I've worked on, many whilst I worked for Isis, of which I have been proud. Most of them reflect Kenneth Grange's observation that the best designs result from a relationship between a client and designer where each recognise their interdependance. A few are above.


But for me, it's equally important that we present concepts appropriately. What we're showing isn't just furniture but whole ideas about how students can become confident learners. When I worked on the Essex BSF bid with Skanska, it was imperative for me to be able to communicate how the furniture and technology came together (they weren't separate component parts) and how these both influenced the M&E strategy. The image on this page started to break down the 'silo' approach that was starting to become prevalent.

Editing the offer

Similarly, the product collection that was created both for individual projects and for the business as a whole had to have confidence. In the way that you know, when you go into John Lewis for example, that someone expert in their field has made an informed decision about what is offered, what we show has to  be edited. And if possible, it should be shown in context.

all photographs courtesy of Isis Concepts Ltd